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Bullet Journaling Classes, Supplies and More!
1917 A5 BuJo Bullet Journal Bullet Journal Sale Bullet Journaling Bullet Journaling Classes Bullet Journaling Sale Bullet Journaling Supplies Classes Discount Dot Dot Grid Dot Grid Notebook Dots Dotted Dotted Grid Dotted Grid Notebook Facebook Facebook Live Fan Club Free Shipping! Hardcover Instagram Journal Leuchtturm Leuchtturm1917 Mini Notebook Periscope Personal Pinterest Planners Planning Pocket SALE Scrapbooking Social Media Soft Cover Square Squared Squares Stationery Store News Supplies Twitter Update Website News
Bullet journaling is a great way to reduce stress, alleviate anxiety and get organized all in one activity! (These are just a few of the many benefits!)Want to go on my BuJo (Bullet Journaling) adventure? I will start holding classes on Periscope and/or FB live at the beginning of November! I will be covering topics that range from beginner to advanced levels. Prior to these BuJo classes, I will do sessions on Periscope tgat will cover basic drawing and doodling.Want bullet journaling supplies? Need to stock up? Join the Fan Club for more details on Bullet Journaling Classes, Supplies and more! Please...
Memorial Day SALE!
20% off Coupon Coupon Code Discount Free Shipping! Memorial Day Sale! Planning SALE Scrapbooking Stationery Store News Website News

Happy Memorial Day! Come celebrate with a SALE! Use coupon code MEMORIALDAY2016 to receive 20% off of your order starting today. Don't forget that all domestic orders will be shipped for FREE! (Expires 05/31/2016 at 11:59pm. Not valid on Monthly Planner Box Subscription.)
Celebrate Earth Day with a SALE!
22% off Coupon Coupon Code Discount Earth Day SALE! Free Shipping! Planners Planning SALE Scrapbooking Stamps Stationery Store News Supplies Washi Tape Website News

Tomorrow is Earth Day and we are celebrating with a SALE! Take 22% off* of your order with coupon code, EARTHDAY2016. Don't forget that all of our items come with FREE domestic shipping for US customers! What are you waiting for? Treat yourself to something new. Go ahead, you deserve it! *Coupon code expires on 04/23/2016 at 11:59pm. Coupon code may not be used on Monthly Planner Kit Subscription.
March is National Craft Month!
15% off Coupon Coupon Code Discount Free Shipping! Leap Week Sale! March is National Craft Month! SALE Store News Website News

March is National Craft Month! Treat yourself to something new. Go ahead you deserve it! We will be having events throughout the month to celebrate! Subscribe to our newsletter at to receive special offers and stay up-to-date. Don't forget that we are have a Leap Week SALE going on right now! Enter coupon code 9DFETLK7QS3S during checkout to receive 15% off of your order. This discount is good from now until Saturday 03/05/2016 at 11:59pm. As always, shipping is FREE for all US orders! So, go on that shopping spree that you have always wanted! Don't worry, we won't tell... ;)
Leap Week Sale!
15% off Coupon Coupon Code Discount Free Shipping! SALE Store News Website News

Come celebrate Leap Day with us with a Leap Week SALE! Take 15% off of your order by entering coupon code 9DFETLK7QS3S during checkout! This discount applies to all orders and is good from today, 02/29/2016 until Saturday, 03/05/2016 at 11:59pm. As always, shipping is FREE for all US orders!